With our GraphQL Explorer, you can precisely define the Harmonic fields you'd like in your response.
For example, Harmonic uses both "Company" and "Person" Highlights. You can return both types of highlights by using our GraphQL endpoints, as seen in the example below:
This is an example request that will return both company & person highlights:
mutation($identifiers: CompanyEnrichmentIdentifiersInput!) { enrichCompanyByIdentifiers(identifiers: $identifiers) { companyFound company { highlights { text } people { fullName highlights { text } } } } }
Here's an example Query Variable for an Enrichment Request:
{ "identifiers": {"websiteDomain": "alloy.co"} }
Use the GraphQL Explorer to add other fields that could be useful to you.
If you have any questions, feedback, or run into any issues, please contact support@harmonic.ai