Nov 2024
To see the the most up to date information as well as API responses directly please view our API Docs and visit the Enrich a Company & Enrich a Person endpoints.
Company Data
Harmonic Field | Description | Data Type |
id | Harmonic company ID | Text(20) |
initialized_date | Date company was added to the Harmonic database | Date/Time |
website.url | Website for the company | URL(255) |
customer_type | The type of customers that this company serves | Text(50) |
name | Name of the company | Text(80) |
legal_name | Legal name of the company | Text(255) |
description | Overview of the company's business activities | Long Text Area(32768) | | The date on which the company was founded | Date |
headcount | Total employee headcount | Number(18,0) |
ownership_status | Current ownership structure of the company | Text(255) |
company_type | High level classification for the company (e.g., startup) | Text(255) |
location.location | Full address, city, state, zip, and country of company | Text(255) |
location.street | Street component of the company address | Text(255) | | City component of the company address | Text(255) |
location.state | State component of the company address | Text(80) | | Zip component of the company address | Text(80) | | Country component of the company address | Text(80) |
funding.funding_total | Total amount of funding raised by the company to date | Currency(18,0) |
funding.num_funding_rounds | Total number of funding rounds raised by the company to date | Number(18,0) |
funding.investors[] | List of all known external investors in the company | Long Text Area(32768) |
funding.last_funding_at | The date of the last external funding round | Date |
funding.last_funding_type | Details about the last external funding round | Text(255) |
funding.last_funding_total | Total amount of the last external funding round | Currency(18,0) |
funding.funding_stage | Stated stage (e.g., "Series A") of the last external funding round | Text(255) |
people[] | The people Harmonic has tagged, associated with a given company | Array |
highlights[] | Company level highlights | Array |
employee_highlights[] | Combined team highlights are the notable tags including Top Company Alum, Seasoned Founder, Prior Exit, etc. Learn more. | Array |
entity_urn | Harmonic entity ID | Text(255) |
website.domain | Domain extracted from the company website | URL(255) |
website.is_broken | True if the provided website does not resolve | Checkbox |
logo_url | URL for the company's logo | URL(255) |
founding_date.granularity | Resolution of the provided founding date | Text(40) |
location.address_formatted | Full address for the company | Text(255) |
contact[] | There are two Contact fields that you can map over: Team emails and company emails | Array |
contact.emails.primary | Email that you would like to update as the single primary contact email for your CRM or data destination for outreach or account records. | Text |
socials.twitter.url | Link to the company's Twitter profile | URL(255) |
socials.twitter.follower_count | Current number of followers the company has on Twitter | Number(18,0) |
socials.crunchbase.url | Link to the company's Crunchbase profile | URL(255) |
socials.crunchbase.follower_count | Current number of followers the company has on Crunchbase | Number(18,0) |
socials.facebook.url | Link to the company's Facebook profile | URL(255) |
socials.facebook.follower_count | Current number of followers the company has on Facebook | Number(18,0) |
tags[] | Legacy Tags: A superset of industry and technology tags that describe what a company is building and who they're building for | Array |
tags_v2 | Harmonic's sector tags (Learn more) | Array |
snapshots[] | These are pulls of all company information we found for each of our searches. Snapshots allow you to better model the change in company, like the ability to calculate precise headcount change between two dates. In your case, Snapshots don't need to be used since you'll be refreshing each data field regularly. | Array |
name_aliases | Previous names the company has used | Array |
website_domain_aliases | Previous domains the company has used | Array |
web_traffic | Last month's total web traffic | Number |
funding_rounds | Detailed round-by-round financing data (Contact sales to add this to your API access) | Array |
related_companies | [Beta] Information on mergers & acquisitions involving this company | Array |
Traction Metrics
Traction metrics record values and changes over time for key metrics.
funding_total: Company financing total
facebook_follower_count: Total Facebook follower count
facebook_following_count: Total Facebook following count
facebook_like_count: Total Facebook like count
linkedin_follower_count: Total LinkedIn follower count
instagram_follower_count: Total Instagram follower count
twitter_follower_count: Total Twitter follower count
web_traffic: Total web traffic for the previous calendar month
headcount: Total company headcount
external_headcount: Total headcount data from external sources (Learn more)
headcount_advisor: Total advisor department headcount
headcount_customer_success: Total customer success department headcount
headcount_data: Total data department headcount
headcount_design: Total design department headcount
headcount_engineering: Total engineering department headcount
headcount_finance: Total finance department headcount
headcount_legal: Total legal department headcount
headcount_marketing: Total marketing department headcount
headcount_operations: Total operations department headcount
headcount_other: Total other department headcount
headcount_people: Total people department headcount
headcount_product: Total product department headcount
headcount_sales: Total sales department headcount
headcount_support: Total support department headcount
Standardized periods where data can be pulled.
14 days ago
30 days ago
90 days ago
180 days ago
365 days ago
Example: traction_metrics.linkedin_follower_count.14d_ago.change
Interval Data Types
Value: the given value at that time
Change: the absolute change between that time and the latest value
Percent Change: the percent change between that time and the latest value
It is also possible to pull granular values across the entire history we have for a company.
latest_metrics_value: Latest value
metrics.timestamp: Date & time that a metric value was recorded
metrics.metric_value: Value of the metric at that time
People Data
Harmonic Field | Description | Data Type |
full_name | Full name | Text |
first_name | First name | Text |
last_name | Last name | Text |
profile_picture_url | URL to access profile image | URL |
contact.emails | Known emails | Array |
contact.phone_numbers | Known phone numbers | Array |
location.address_formatted | Formatted address | Text |
location.location | Location information | Text |
location.street | Street name | Text | | City name | Text |
location.state | State name | Text | | Zip code | Text | | Country name | Text |
education | Array of education history | Array | | School name | Text | | School's LinkedIn | URL | | School's website | URL | | School's logo image | URL | | School's Harmonic identifier | Text | | Degree name | Text |
education.field | Degree field name | Text |
education.grade | Grade information | Text |
education.start_date | Degree start date | Date |
education.end_date | Degree end date | Date |
socials.TWITTER.url | Twitter profile URL | URL |
socials.FACEBOOK.url | Facebook profile URL | URL |
socials.LINKEDIN.url | LinkedIn profile URL | URL |
experience | Array of work history | Array | | Email from role | Array | | Phone number from role | Array |
experience.title | Role title | Text |
experience.department | Role department | Text |
experience.description | Role description | Long Text Area |
experience.start_date | Role start date | Date |
experience.end_date | Role end date | Date |
experience.is_current_position | Role is current (True/False) | Boolean |
experience.location | Role location | Text |
experience.role_type | Role type | Text | | Role company | Text |
experience.company_name | Role company name | Text |
highlights | Array of tagged highlights (learn more) | Array |
highlights.category | Highlight category | Text |
highlights.text | Highlight text | Text |
highlights.date_added | Highlight date added | Date |
linkedin_headline | LinkedIn headline text | Text |
entity_urn | Harmonic identifier | Text |
current_company_urns | Array of identifiers or all current companies | Array |
linkedin_profile_visibility_type | LinkedIn profile privacy status (learn more) | Text |
last_refreshed_at | Last time we were able to update a profile or verify that there were no new changes | Date/Time |
last_checked_at | Last time we attempted to fetch new data | Date/Time |