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API Errors

Understand API error codes

Harmonic Team avatar
Written by Harmonic Team
Updated over a year ago

Our API returns standard HTTP success or error status codes. For errors, we will also include extra information about what went wrong encoded in the response as JSON. The various HTTP status codes we might return are listed below.

Status Code


200 - OK

Everything worked as expected. You have latest data.

201 - Enrichment Triggered

Entity exists in our system and the enrichment was triggered to update the data. Please check back in few hours for the update.

400 - Bad request

The request was unacceptable, often due to missing a required parameter.

402 - Over quota

Over plan quota on this endpoint.

403 - Forbidden

No valid API key provided.

404 - Not Found

The requested resource doesn't exist. If this is an enrich endpoint, the enrichment was triggered to update the data. Please check back in few hours for the update.

422 - Validation error

A validation error occurred.

429 - Too many requests

The rate limit was exceeded.

50X - Internal Server Error

An error occurred with our API.

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