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Hiding Companies
Hiding Companies
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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Customizing your search results by removing or hiding specific companies is simple and efficient. Whether you want to mark companies, exclude them from certain searches, or completely hide them, we have the perfect features for you. Read on to discover how you can personalize your search experience.

Viewed Companies: Identify previously unexplored companies with ease

The blue dot next to a company's name indicates that you haven't viewed it yet. This visual indicator helps you keep track of companies you have yet to explore. You can mark a company as viewed

You can filter for only Viewed or Unviewed companies from a Saved Search:

Hidden Companies: Remove unwanted companies from your search results

By hiding a company, it will be completely removed from all future search results. This ensures a tailored and streamlined experience, with the hidden company no longer appearing in your searches. These companies can then only be viewed an "unhidden" in the "Hidden Companies" list.

Excluding a List: Exclude specific companies from targeted searches:

If you only want to hide certain companies in specific searches, then you need to add those companies to a list a excluded that specific list. Find out more on how to do this here!

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