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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I include or exclude specific companies from a search?Using Watchlists to exclude certain results from Saved Searches
How can I see Harmonic's Status?Check to see if our services are online or are experiencing an outage
How many concurrent connections can be made to the API?
How can I enable email notifications?Choose your favorite searches and receive an email digest that summarizes their results
Are there keyboard shortcuts?Learn how to quickly navigate the console
How can I clear my cache?How to reset your browser's data for the Harmonic platform
Sector TagsCustomer type, Industry tags, and Technology tags
How does Company Type work?Definition of Different Company Types
Can I find mergers & acquisitions on Harmonic?Learn how to find M&A events
Harmonic Subscription Management
Advanced Search FiltersAdvanced filters provide the ability to search using nested AND/OR clauses
Unsupported DomainsBlocked domains that are not supported for enrichment
How to enrich a company that doesn't exist on HarmonicThe easiest way to add new companies to Harmonic
How to find Y Combinator Companies
Hiding and Managing Companies in Your Search ResultsLearn about Hiding as well as Viewed vs. Unviewed
Role Type DefinitionsUnderstand Role Types & Group Types
How to pull founder information via API
How can I customize a view?Learn how to organize the columns in your searches and lists
Submit Your StartupHow to add your startup to the Harmonic universe
Unmapped ExperienceHow do we represent a person's experience when it is unmapped to a company?
Contact SupportHarmonic Support Email
How do I report data issues?Submit corrections directly to our data team