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Harmonic Integrations: Zapier

No-Code Enrichment

Harmonic Team avatar
Written by Harmonic Team
Updated over 3 months ago

Check out our Zapier App and learn more!

You can use Zapier to connect your Sheet, CRM, or database to Harmonic's dataset using our Enrichment API. Example below.

Step 1. You'll need to ensure your system of record in Step 1 has a company website url.

As best practice, omit the 'https://www.' (you can do this by using the Formatter Zap)

Step 2. Use the Webhooks by Zapier Zap to make an API request.

Request URL



'accept: application/json' \
'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY' \

When you test the Zap, you'll get a response that looks like this:

Step 3. Import Harmonic data into our CRM. You will need to create custom fields or columns that correspond with Harmonic fields.

If you run into any issues, you can refer to our Help Center or Zapier's troubleshooting guide. If you can't find anything there, reach out to

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