Zapier Workflow: Slackbot Researcher

Step-by-step instructions

Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago


Send a Slack message tagging @Harmonic with a company's domain and receive a reply with Harmonic data.

Example output

Zap structure


Note: Steps 4 & 5 are optional steps to format certain data fields. You can skip these steps or include your own steps to reformat any Harmonic data fields of your choosing as long as the steps happen prior to the last step which sends the Slack reply.

Step 1: Create a Trigger step for New Mention in Slack.

Step 1a: Within that step, open Action and set the username you would like to tag in your messages to trigger this Zap. Choose Custom and type in the username. In this example, @Harmonic would be the trigger. This should not be the name of an existing user or bot in your Slack workspace to avoid conflicts.

Step 2: Create an Action step for Format Text in Formatter by Zapier.

Step 2a: Within that step, open Action, select Extract URL, and map the Raw Text from the previous Slack step into the Input field.

Step 3: Create an Action step for Enrich a Company by Website in Harmonic.

Step 3a: Within that step, open Action and map the output of the Extract URL step as the input for Company Website.

Step 4 (Optional): Create an Action step for Format Numbers in Formatter by Zapier.

Step 4a (Optional): Within that step, open Action, select Format Currency, and map the Total Funding from the previous Harmonic step into the Input field. Select US Dollar for Currency, English for Currency Locale, and select a Currency Format. Zapier doesn't have a default format for USD without cents. To accomplish this, select Custom and enter: ¤#,##0

Step 5 (Optional): Create an Action step for Date / Time in Formatter by Zapier.

Step 5a (Optional): Within that step, open Action, select Format, and map Founding Date from the previous Harmonic step into the Input field. Select MM/DD/YYYY or your preferred format in the To Format field.

Step 6: Create an Action step for Send Channel Message in Slack.

Step 6a: Within that step, open Action and map the Channel Id from the Slack Trigger step to the Channel. This will ensure that the reply is sent to the channel where the original message happened. Then, compose the Message Text and map the outputs of previous steps. Optionally, customize the name, icon, and more about the Bot that will reply with this message content.

Step 6b (Optional): Within that same section, if you would like the bot to reply within a thread of the original message rather than as a reply in the channel itself, map Ts from the Slack Trigger step into Thread to tell Slack which thread to send the message inside.

Publish your Zap and send Slack message to get started!

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