We currently offer 2 methods to send data to your warehouse:
Bulk Data Delivery. Best option for sending large amounts of Harmonic data. This allows you to ingest our full dataset of Company and Person tables directly into your BigQuery, Snowflake, GCS, or AWS.
βWriting to Warehouse Tables via API & Polytomic. You can now leverage these methods to sync Saved Searches, Saved Search results, and Enrich company records into data warehouses like Snowflake, BigQuery or Redshift. You can check out the full warehouse list here.
Bulk Data Delivery
SLA for refreshing bulk data: Every week, by Sunday afternoon 12 PM PST.
If you request a bulk data delivery, this is a preview of what the weekly-updated data looks like:
We support Bulk Delivery to the following destinations:
S3 Buckets
GCS Buckets
Writing to your Data Warehouse via API
You can use your warehouse data to:
Enrich your existing company records. You can port over your favorite Harmonic fields to your warehouse tables, then use that data to update existing company data or create specific Harmonic fields in your CRM or next data destination.
Create new records. Add new companies from your Harmonic Saved Search to your Warehouse tables to create net new leads/company records in your CRM or other data destination.
Here's a quick overview of writing data to Snowflake.
1) In your Polytomic account, you can select your preferred Data Warehouse Destination
2) Configure the proper permissions for Polytomic to create additional columns or its own database.
3) Map which fields will be pushed to your table