Bulk Data Onboarding

How to get started with Bulk Data

Miles avatar
Written by Miles
Updated over a week ago

Harmonic Bulk Share offers access to our entire universe of company & people records updated on a weekly basis.

Supported Formats

Harmonic supports the following Bulk Share formats:

  • BigQuery (relational db)

  • Snowflake (relational db)

  • Google Cloud Storage Bucket (file)

  • AWS Bucket (file)


To access the share via BigQuery, please provide us with the email address of the user or service account that will be receiving access to the bulk share. If it is a service account, it will need to be a Runner on your end and we will provision it with Viewer access to our data set. Queries will run within your own BigQuery infrastructure so the user or service account must be set up to run queries on your GCP project.

Once shared, the identifier for the Harmonic database is innate-empire-283902 and you will see a dataset called public with two tables: companies & people.


To access the share via Snowflake, please provide us with your Snowflake Region (ex: AWS_US_EAST_1) and your Snowflake Account Locator. Queries will run within your own Snowflake infrastructure so the account must be set up to run queries on your Snowflake instance.

Once shared, you will see an inbound share called PUBLIC.

Google Cloud Storage Bucket (GCS)

To access the share via GCS, please provide us with the email address of the user that will be receiving access to the bulk share.

Once shared, you will be able to access the bucket of companies and people files in both jsonl & parquet file formats.

Amazon Web Services Bucket (AWS)

To access the share via AWS, please provide us with your AWS accountId.

Once shared, you will be able to access the bucket of companies and people files in both jsonl & parquet file formats.

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