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Polytomic: Company Searches into CRM
Polytomic: Company Searches into CRM
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Written by Team
Updated over a week ago

Step 1: Connect Polytomic to your Harmonic Account using your supplied API key.

Step 2: Create a new model in Polytomic for companies in Harmonic

To do this, you need to “add a model” in Polytomic. Make sure you select “Harmonic” as the connection. As your source, you will list “Company Saved Search” and from there you can go on to specify which Harmonic company searches you want to sync.

Step 3: Choose + save the data fields you would like to sync

Step 4: Create a new Model Sync

Once you have created your model, you can create a model sync to automate your data transfer between Harmonic and your CRM. First you will choose your CRM as your desired destination system and then set Companies as the Target, since we are looking at syncing saved search company data from Harmonic.

Step 5: Map the desired fields you have listed in your model

Step 6: Use Model Filters to pull subsets of data

If you only want to pull subsets of data, you can use the model filters. In this example, a model filter has been created to only enrich companies where the Funding Total is atleast $100K.

Step 7: Press Continue and Set up Sync Schedule

Selecting the Frequency will determine how often the data in the CRM is refreshed with the most recent Harmonic Data. Simply click save in the top right corner once you have completed this step and want to create your sync.

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